Friday, 15 February 2013

Invention Kitchen - Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

Does anyone else always end up with a couple of black bananas in the fruit bowl? I hate waste and am frankly fed up of banana bread. I remembered last year when asking what peoples favourite bakes were someone mentioned peanut butter frosting. Everyone knows that bananas and peanut butter work together (that old combo of salt and sweet) so I decided to try and use up my bananas differently and test out my swanky new piping nozzle at the same time. Two birds, one stone and all that. I’m pretty pleased with the results. They look fab and taste delicious.


3 ½ oz self raising flour
1tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarb
3 oz light muscavado sugar
50 ml sunflower oil
50ml buttermilk
2 mashed up bananas

For the frosting

2oz butter
4 oz icing sugar
6 tbsp smooth peanut butter


Preheat oven at 180C or gas mark 4 and line your tin with cases (12)

In a large mixing bowl tip all the ingredients and mix well using an electric beater. Bake for about 15/20 minutes  (depending on your oven). The cakes will come out looking very brown because of the banana. They don’t look pretty yet, but wait until they’re iced!

To make the frosting just put all the ingredients bar the into a food processor and whiz till smooth. Pipe onto cakes and sprinkle on chopped peanuts or add a slice of banana if you wish, or just leave plain. They taste better if you put in the fridge for a little while before serving so the frosting can firm up a bit. By the way, the nozzle that gives that rose effect is called a Wilson 2D. 

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